Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Harem...

Dripping mane…
Mischievous smile lighting those bee stung lips…

Careless beauty…did someone say?
More of a vivacious flame that dances wickedly

Teasing the senses…
Tempting the dormant feelings.

A storm caught in a glass jar
Captured & imprisoned…

Nailed to the wall
And trapped in his love…

Some neatly stacked on shelves in his glass palace,some nailed to the wall.
Stand all the fair maids he once loved,or so he claimed….

Not one,not two…
Not a specific wild flame in particular…

We are talking of an exotic harem here…
Preserved and embalmed.

Room that echoes with stifled cries..
Of love that was promised & never kept.

And he goes about his job with sincerity…
Trapping the impossible….

The bevy of wild manes,caught by his expert hands…
Entangled in his web of love….

And there it stands…
One more new jar to the already pretty collection….

For a taste of eternity from his luscious lips…
They trade their wings for the glass jar

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Peekaboo...she said tentatively...

Stirrings within me....I peek out of my self imposed restriction...

Is it safe to put my heart on paper again
and let the drops of blood melt into words?

I think so...yes it is...

Tentative,skeptical steps towards the blog world once more
This is where i belong,where i feel satiated...

But time is a factor...
Too busy building my life from scratch again...

Priorities in life have changed...
But blogger,i shall always remain...