Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I love being a woman & He loves being a man & that is where we both run at loggerheads with each other,

A spectacular crash between a Porsche(my fav) and a Toyota(masculine enuf for Him?) on a highway is what comes to my mind, everytime He & I bicker over issues.

He loves acting out the role of a “Macho” man to perfection.He can’t resist playing the ‘Hero’ who always saves every damsel in distress-be it picking up women from pubs who get sloshed to the bone & dropping them home on his bike Or taking them out to a movie theatre for a treat Or taking them to Discotheques for a dance Or………umm,the list is endless but he is their eternal Saviour.
He loves it when women nod their head in approval(can I see the makings of a servile slave in such women?) over every single theory of His.

Since bygone times, a dumb woman has always been a source of great joy to men who like their male egos to be pampered.

Reminds me of a joke where a Man asks God-“Why did you make women so attractive?”
To which God replies-“So that Men can fall in love with women”.
The Man again asks-“Why did you make women so dumb?”
To which God says-“So that women can fall in love with men.”

Of course, Nature broke its mould when it created a certain League of women who are branded as women with “rigid” views, women who are allegedly accused of being “feminists without a cause”.

A firebrand liberated woman who has a mind of her own is definitely not the ‘favoured’ cup of tea for a man who can’t digest a woman’s words that challenge him. He wants her to agree to every thing he says.

Like the two banks of a river, His & My views shall always run parallel, they can never meet…….. For He is a Man & I am a Woman.

(I can already visualize him seething with disapproval at this blog post)

He is a Macho man who feels displaying emotions is a sign of weakness.

He is a man who does not believe in betraying his true feelings, lest he lose his image of a Man who is in control of every situation.

He is a man who rolls up into a cocoon & refuses to express himself, for he Is a Man.

He is a Man who does not believe in offering his heart to his woman for her to read the amount of love he has for her, all he can blurt out when grilled hard is- I love you.

And what kind of a woman am I ?

A woman who would love to break rules but never His heart.

A woman who would love to drive his car but not His life.

A woman who would crack the whip on the world but kiss His wounds.

A woman who would tame her own tears but unleash her wildness on Him.

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