Tuesday, August 30, 2005

'Doors of communication'...She said...

Apparently it is an illusion...these gateways that entice me to walk through them to the other side , coz they are closed-the Only means of communication between Him & me.
A grave misunderstanding between us, that pushed Him into His shell.
Wish He would open these doors & write again.....


Kaps said...

funny..me feel the same so many times..
i know therez nothing that i can say wil help..

Gaurav said...

Its amazing how u put up ur posts with pics....lovely....

Just love the blog...

How long will u wait.....if u want him to open the door....u need to help him get out of the shell....

Its not easy....but its not impossible....waiting will not help....it will only make distances grow.....

Like a wave instead of walking just Flow through to the other side....

Rahul said...

boo hooo... i want your descriptive posts so badly.

Prasad Narulkar said...

nice....the pictures say it all...
Dont worry...evrythin will be fine...

Tabula_Rasa said...

Kaps->ur wrong...sometimes it really helps to listen to others.

Gaurav->Mmm...I must be a narcissist coz i never tire of getting pleased whenever someone gets 'amazed' by my posts.
I've always gone out of my way to cajole him out of that shell but i guess,i've failed everytime.

Rahul->Everytime i write a long post,it's like pouring my soul into it,i feel spent after putting up such posts...im a little disturbed for the past few days hence,taking a break from writing...it exhausts me completely at times.

Aberrant->i think itz too late for evrything to be alright.

Sen->Kept reading & re-reading these lines...they are a real beauty!

Rahul said...

it is a wonder if you dont get spent. take your time and get back to your best. i dont mind waiting for it is a genuine treat every single time. take care...