I have decided to spread my wings and fly to a different shore.This blog shall cease to exist,it shall disappear from the face of this Earth...
There will be those who will not want to travel with me,to the new destiny so it is a Goodbye to them & again,....there will be those who can relate to me,who have become a part of the extended family that I have and it is them whom I graciously invite to embark on a new adventure with me coz the September air has stirred the gypsy blood in me & it is time for me to go the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife....
This is meant for those who shall ride the wave with me & who do not mind getting swept off their feet to a distant land where hope flourishes,inspite of all odds.
Contact me at seven_seas8@rediffmail.com such that I can email my new blog address personally to all of u & yes,do not…I repeat…do not forget to mention ur blog url along with ur blogger name,that I am familiar with. Gaurav,vidhi,stranger & vish need not reply back coz they’ve already asked me to inform them of the change
And hurry coz after a few days, nomadicwaves.blogspot.com will be untraceable…devoured by the mighty waves while I shall re-emerge from the swirling depths of a turbulent ocean…..that’s a promise.
it's been a while!..oh!..but i'm gonna miss this place!!!!
yeah...i shall be on the lookout to receive ur new address...cant miss the magic u weave with words...
this is all so dramatic...carnation110@rediffmail.com...
i came i saw and i feel bad that you will erase this one........ my request is go on to a new one,, but let this be ...
you break my heart. Pls do write in to the.poets.mind@gmail.com.
Rise and shine, soon.
hey...still havent received ur new address...
omg!! is this the flight of albatross~~~ actually i think the poem was flight of ancient mariner!! isnt this sept??? to early to fly for winter???... ok pj, will shuddup, thanks for dropping by!
Dyer maker->But gypsies were always known to migrate from one place to another,how can u expect the ever turbulent waves....that too nomadic ones to stay put in one place...& wipe off that nostalgic look..i shall offer u a better place.
Vidhi,Aberrant->I've received ur emails.Patience dear patience..all good things in life take time.
im waiting for da emails of all my blogger friends to reach me,i don't want any one of them to be left behind coz i shall wipe off this blog as soon as i shift.
Soumabh->Here's a another friendly punch on ur shoulder for sending me that 'explicit' mail about How to change my url without losing out on my writings that are so close to my heart, that too...u took out time out of ur busy exam schedule...will definitely keep all those rules in my mind.Thanx a lot buddy...here's a graceful bow from my side.
Kunal->Being dramatic...is in my genes...u shud see my whole family...we are quite a bunch!& not to forget what my mom says of me-'there's never gonna be a dull moment around,as long as she is there'.
Ritesh->First,lemme greet u back...ur here after a million years...& ur request is granted...i shall rip off this blog & give it a new life but no,i can't keep it lying here...vulnerable to the attacks of unscrupulous elements.
Heretic->Ur poems always manage to knock me out but i never knew that u visit me too & didn't know an already broken heart has a capacity to break other hearts.
U have a reason to cheer about...will mail u my new hideout but it may take a lil' time.
ZchewereZ->Ah,the albatross...my favourite bird,it brings to mind their courtship that lasts for a solid seven years after which they mate for life,no infidelity,no running off to sexier strangers,but dying of a broken heart if one mate dies.Now thatz what i call LOVE!!Wish i was an albatross...
Received ur email.Hang on...
Will miss some real good reading.Hope you come back soon.Good luck in all your endeavours.
i just cant wait pal! hope u got my email...
Thanks for rememebing. Hope you have my id in tact anyway it would be vishnuraj@gmail.com, mail me your new blog ID. Quite frankly I would not like you to GET LOST for a sea of critics. Anyway let me meet you again where ever that be :).
Thanks for dropping by. Hope your new journey takes you further than ever before - in various ways :-)
THE cold butcher of epoch
Hot Sword of memories
Slices of my existences
Too many lives
Just one heart
Too many tears
Just two eyes
Trembling hands, slippery present
Cruel past
Insane->"Slippery present"....why blame ur present?nothing can stop a man from reaching out for something that he loves most.
"Cruel past"....again,that is an attempt by u to appear vulnerable.
Circumstances didnt set u & me apart.You brought it upon us....
Insane->"Slippery present"....why blame ur present?nothing can stop a man from reaching out for something that he loves most.
"Cruel past"....again,that is an attempt by u to appear vulnerable.
Circumstances didnt set u & me apart.You brought it upon us....
Bugs,Rahul,vish,hazy colors->Time for me to move on....
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