Friday, July 08, 2005

U can't shake hands with clenched fists...

The world -a looking glass
Look at it with peace & harmony.
A smiling reflection…
Sans conflicts, sans wars.

Utopia in the making?
Idealistic words that hold no water?
and now 7/7

reminder of discord
reminder of conflicts
reminder of clashes…
Man Vs Man


Kunal said...

wanted to ask you something and can't remember....some other time, i guess..

D'yer Mak'er said...

still listenin to those stretches of silence....feels like you're still playin that "who win first" game....waves can be disturbin though...but stillness follow turbulence....waitin is my destiny..n' patience is a syndrome i don't have....n' i still look around...though i know you're not there!

p.s. i pray for a better world n' a better tomorrow....feel that we've had enough with those numbers (9/11..7/7)..we don't want 'em anymore.

Tabula_Rasa said...

Calvin-->waiting for ur question,i am all ears....

Strangers' inc-->The time is not ripe enough,for me to fill in the blanks yet.