Monday, July 18, 2005

Where Love took me...into the dungeons of Claustrophobia. Posted by Picasa


Ritesh Nair said...

hey is that you who wrote that originally by your self or did you hear my heart say that????? so me man so me,

Krish said...

thanx for dropping by!!..I read thru your archives as well..Nice writings U have here!...will keep coming!

Φ said...

xcellent.. but its nt u whos feeling claustrophobic..its he who broke free from your embrace.. :)

Kunal said...

my bonnet's too big...and you dint answer the first one in any case...and even if it wasn't you who deleted them im still bee'ed...ok

Tabula_Rasa said...

Ritesh-->caught in the same whirlpool of emotions,both of hearts seem to bleed in unison.I seem to have found a kindred soul in you.

Krish-->a lady like curtsy.

Phi-->What is yours can never break free & disappear.

Calvin-->I didnt answer the first one??What was the question?Who am i?Is that what u want to know?

HazyColours said...

Hmmm....for a student, you have your plate full! Wish my student days had been more enriched.

Mighty said...

Dude for a marketing person, this is like a fish with a bicycle... thanks for dropping by.

I was slightly itrigued by the "he said, she said" bit...

Kunal said...


Tabula_Rasa said...

Hazy colors-->Exasperated of being a student,want to break free.

Mighty-->This blog is written by,mostly a She & rarely a He.I guess,that explains the "She said,He said" part

Calvin-->Open the windows,blow off the lamp,let darkness engulf u,and ask urself...what do u want from me?and then come back with ur question.

Avik-->*a graceful bow*

HazyColours said...

Why, what's the rush? After five years of corporate life, I miss the irresponsibilities of student life. I guess we spend half our lives wanting to be out of school, and the other half wanting to be back.

EXSENO said...

To nomadic waves, & retesh too. Your hearts are hurting and there is nothing that can hurt worse then a broken heart. And I know you won't believe this but there really is more then one person out there in this world for everyone. No matter how much you think you still love the person that hurt you so. It probably wasn't the right person for you. Passion can cloud. Someone will come along that you will fall evern harder for and the wounds will finally heal. Bless you both.

Kunal said...

I opened the windows, blew off the lamp...Darkness engulfed me and I fell in love with that...

Tabula_Rasa said...

Calvin-->Fell in luv with darkness?

Exseno-->True,passion can cloud,it blurred my vision.

Hazycolors-->Im in a rush to grow up.