Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life is rushing by...She realized...

Out of breath....can't keep is rushing by, far too fast.


D'yer Mak'er said...

you know what?

they say life always tends to give those remarkable moments when you're actually lookin in some other direction...but when you pause for a while...even though life don't permits you to do have a better chance to catch those butterflies that bear golden wings!

we're all owners miss waves...owners of huge islands...n' strangely enough..they're more or less marooned!...the air at times are filled with obnoxious hatred...where the games might be treacherous n' sordid politics...where relationships can reflect salaciously egregious betrayals...where the grounds that we walk on...finds more thorns than roses...yes it is...

but you know what?...that's not what we've our lives for...huh-huh...yes..we're owners of huge islands....but we've to keep on tryin to build those bridges...which will make us walk upon those mighty oceans...yes..we're all more or less marooned...we all are....but our purpose won't really mean much if all our lives..we keep on lookin for someone else....but help someone else find us.

we make some great friendships..we do!...that may not last forever..but then again..what can really last forever!...but we shall exist always in those few moments...n' only can those moments make those lives...not you..not me...the moments which are always yours....always ours...n' you know what? is actually makin those moments...feedin yourself on the past is actually great..i know that..for i do it a lot...but you know what? is actually creatin newer ones..

..miss waves..have you ever hurried in the rain to avoid it?...jumpin over to evade the puddles? know what?..i once did...but i sprained my was bad..i was in a pretty bad shape...but somethin stranger....even now at times..when it rains...when i don't feel like gettin soaked..i still make a run...n' while i do so...i still do jump to avoid those puddles...why?..because i still trust my impulses...because you know what??..i believe life is all about trustin your impulses.

...they say it's not at all "wise" to repeat your mistakes...for it eats the better of you...but you know what? the long run...when you gain all the don't get much of a chance to use it!!'s true...your wisdom is not to be used for what's the big deal if we remain a bit "un"wise now n' then!! make mistakes is not our fault miss's our destiny...but refrainin from it too much isn't..for then... you actually run away from your run away from yourself...yes..there'd be mistakes every now n' then which will take a lot from you..which will take a lot from us.....but i is all livin with those mistakes n' laughin at 'em....

Sit with me my darling, let's talk a little while...
Just around the corner, just another mile...

voices may seem to echo...even when it's just you n' me
..i say don't get caught between what happened....n' what could never be!

Anonymous said... is rushing by..
far to fast for me to catch up..
life is eluding me..
but somehow it seems to distant to catch up...
I dont seem to even have the heart to make a run for it..
and i know i cant wait and stay where i am..
'MOVING ON' is one of the most easy things to suggest, and one of the most activity to implement...
But still some things just have to be done..some choices have to be made..
Life is all about the choices you make..U are what you are because of what u had chosen..and unless u make a choice..U wont go anywhere..
Maybe u might go wrong..but if u dont make a choice U wont even give urself a chance to make things right and live a life what u dreamt...
Its really ironical..that i realise all this..but fail to do these things myself..

Rahul said...

wow waves! those 20 were worth a 100. I was on my toes with coursework, but your blog has brought me back today. So, iam left wondering what motivates you to ghost-write other than the money? Is there something like what we saw in goodwill hunting???

Vidhi said...

i feel the same too!! :(

Tabula_Rasa said...

D'yer maker->Whoa...that was a lot of words!

Akhil->true, life is all about the choices we make....and sometimes it takes a lot of courage to stick to those very decisions that we take in Life.

Rahul->Watched snatches of goodwill hunting.Am intrigued...what do u mean?

Vidhi->Dunno why...but ur presence always has a soothing effect on me:-)

Sen->Yeah! it's always better to be on the doesnt give u time to brood and harp over ur miseries.